Camel Milk - Desert Farms | Buy Camel Milk UK | Camel Milk

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  • asa asasacamel milk is nature most wholesome dairy beverage
  • Camels are all grass fed and pasture raised
  • Camel milk is healthy for children
  • Camel milk is a product of EU
  • Camel milk is farm bottled
  • substitute to mothers milk
  • desserts made from camel milk

Camel Milk Products

Camel Milk! Nature’s most wholesome dairy beverage...


Welcome to Desert Farms Europe's most trusted source for healthy delicious camel milk.

Give the ol’ cows and goats a rest, they’re tired. Camels are known for their stamina---if they can trudge through a hot desert for months, they can easily boost your energy and thirst. Camel Milk has been used for centuries by Nomads and Bedouins for it's nutritional and medicinal properties, we've now captured their ancient knowledge and locked it tight in a bottle. Compared to cows milk, Camel Milk has naturally occurring Vitamins D and C. Camel Milk has fewer calories, less bad cholesterol, and lacks the A1 casein protein and lactoglobulin in cow’s milk which makes it suitable for those with lactose intolerance and food allergies in milk.

In Europe, the benefits of Camel Milk is now being embraced by health-conscious consumers, children with autism & people with diabetes. Desert Farms’ camels live in small family farms all across Europe where the average herd is about 6 camels. All Desert Farms camels are pasture-raised and eat a complex diet of hay, grass and alfalfa pellets. We believe in supporting local produce, which is why we only use the best camels across Europe. Only the best, freshest, most wholesome Camel Milk makes it into Desert Farms bottles. Delivered from the farm directly to your home.

Desert Farms uses low impact environmentally sound practices to produce Paleo approved, certified gluten free and no GMO camel milk.

Only the freshest most wholesome camel milk makes it into Desert Farms bottles.

Our camels are pasture raised and enjoy a soy and corn free diet, with no added hormones or antibiotics. To be fair, they have a right to brag they are giving Europe's most delicious wholesome camel milk.

Desert Farms - Camel Milk is available in several distinct varieties: Raw Camel Milk; Raw Camel Milk (Frozen), Raw Camel Milk Powder and Camel Milk Soaps, Camel Milk Lotion, Camel Milk Face Wash

Buy camel milk and experience nature’s wholesome dairy beverage.